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SRK rocked in the role of Don
by salshk on Oct 28, 2006 12:21 PM   Permalink

The movie as a whole is very stylish and Shahrukh fits in the role of Don very well but it is not possible to compare the role of this age's Don with the original one. Both are good at their own place. Farhan has tried to give a twist in the story, It was really impressive when Shahrukh Khan said "Don ko pakadna mushkil hi nahin, namumkin hai" , Since the Bachchan starrer remains etched in the memory of a section of moviegoers, the SRK starrer carries a massive responsibility on its shoulders. The comparisons, therefore, are inevitable. Every character, song and the impact of several vital portions will be viewed minutely, where the new version works? Of course, it's far more glossy, far more stylish and far more visually appealing. Let's just say, the new DON is body beautiful.The original version had simplistic execution.The new version is a hundred times more stylish!Action scenes are superb. Take the fight between SRK and Chunkey Pandey at the very start of the film or the chase on a secluded beach and the lanes of a town before Don is captured by the cops it's jaw-dropping.SRK carries a massive responsibility on his shoulders since direct comparisons with Bachchan are foresee.

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SRK pays just tribute to Don