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SRK is the KING
by GOKUL on Oct 26, 2006 06:43 PM   Permalink

I am not a SRK Fan...but guys be fair..DON is absoloutely fabulous, and SRK is splendid in it, so is Isha and Priyanka.So you say he cannot act..OK but but his screen presence is Phenomenal, and no other actor in todays' genre can match it.The Film is slick, has enough twists to keep the audience hooked till the end. And guys no matter how much critisize DON and the SRK and the team.All thet really matters is the Box-Office Result and that by the is way 'DON is breaking records all over'and KANK movie was a bad movie and all of SRK detractors said at that time that the next SRK movie will not get a good opening. Well sorry for you this proved you wrong. Accept the fact SRK is the Current KING of Bollywood.

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SRK pays just tribute to Don