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Raja sen is wrong this time
by Bahrgav on Oct 25, 2006 06:08 PM   Permalink

Yesterday I watched new Don second time. Throughout the movie I was trying to figure out what was so wrong with the movie-which I may have failed to spot when I watched it first time-that most of the critics are crying their hearts out so loud and bashing this movie!!! And what a disappoint it turned out to be! I couldn't find a single blemish!!!

As far as script is concerned, it's 90% loyal to Old Don's screenplay and pacing is as good as old one. Anybody saying that movie is slow,,is automatically saying that the old Don is a slow paced movie which is not the case. You feel that pace is slow because you know what is coming (if you have watched old don that is),, so you feel like getting over the known things quickly and want to charter to the unknown territory ASAP, but it wouldn't happen as the twist is almost in the end!! So you find it slow paced, because all the goings on are familiar. Anybody not having watched the old Don, will find this movie very well paced!!! Just try to figure out by asking a few who is not familiar with the old Don and you'll know what I mean!! ...Continue....

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