\"Don\" take some paracetamol with you !!! unless you are a die hard SRK fan the movie is not worth the effort.What was interesting though is a cinema full of 250 indians and pakis( in edinburgh ) which was quite cool .I whistled just once that cos \"kahike paan benaras wala \" reminded me of Amitabh not anything more.Kareeena , i wonder why she did that song, i used to like her but she looks disgusting and the dance reminds me of sushmita sen when she first started acting, she is a complete looser. What did Isha koppikar do?? i didnt even see her properly in the movie.Her facial expressions infact made me feel she like Priyanka chopra rather than SRK and hence the jea(lousy). Priyanka chopra does the standard role of a glamour gf . The movie with its twists and turn makes your stomach churn making you look for a vomit bag !!!
my verdict: dont watch if u have important things to do. Last priority !!!
its over
by rahul on Nov 04, 2006 08:17 PM Permalink
i hav kept mum for a long time on this message board as i was waiting for this day. yes i was the frst person to reply on this board and probably i will be the last as no more discussion required because DON IS A HIT.its declared today on boxofficeindia.com check out mr. raja.
RE:u r a sick
by nikhil on Oct 23, 2006 11:44 PM Permalink
The movie is not that bad but you have to be stupid not to admit that srk can't act the way big b did. In the new Don movie, srk sucked when he tried to act like a villager. He is nothing more than a mimicry artist. Just watch his Dil To Pagal Hai again and you will know what I mean. He can only run behind girls because that's what he did growing up.
by yASH on Oct 21, 2006 01:58 PM Permalink
Rahul, Have u really seen the movie, forget about a average actor like srk..the mvoie reall sucks...srk shud really do serials now like saas bhi etc....he cannot act better////...if ur fan of some its fine buth then you dont reallt qualify to commment without any justification....
to Sandeep with love
by Amit on Oct 23, 2006 08:54 PM Permalink
Dear Sandeep,
I do agree that Shahrukh is not a versatile actor. But I fail to understand why an intellect like yourself failed to comprehend and appreciate SRK's capability as a glamour Hero, a cult, an anti-Hero. You must realize the fact that he is a genius when it comes to what he does. His screen presence is unmatched. Why do you base your feelings so much on your personal likes and dislikes? If you have seen Swades, you would appreciate his acting skills.And if you don't appreciate it then I am sorry to say but even the best cannot match your level since you are blinded by biasness. Think over it!! Ohh by the way.. i am not a fan of Shahrukh
by shihab on Oct 25, 2006 07:48 PM Permalink
y u people r comparin both the movies.....sharukh is sharukh...i know sharukh can never be like amitabh.........but i must say tht niether amitabh can be like sharukh nor act like sharukh......sharukh was jus superb in the movie....i have watched the new don 3 times now....after seein the reviews u people have return..comparing both the movies i must say tht i couldnt bear watchin the old don...amitabh ofcourse was gud bt rest was jus sick....so plzz jus dont compare both dons..this don is for ths genration..the old don was for the older generation........in one word i can tell is amitabh was the don of the 70's &SRK is the don of 2006........i was not a fan of srk bcoz he used to fit in only in romantic movies bt after watchin don ... i have bcome a fan.....hats off to u srk....
by BaaDSHaH on Oct 22, 2006 02:20 AM Permalink
I found the movie really great. All the people who are saying mean things about the movie and srk should eat their own words when the movie becomes a huge hit. Remember guys, the movie is just a tribute and not a copy. And no point comparing big b and srk. Its like comparing apples with grapes. Come on, the srk is rocking in the movie and so is the movie.