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A new ''Dawn'' in Indian Cinema
by sunil on Oct 29, 2006 09:37 PM   Permalink

As we saw the release of two movies Don and its nearest"said to be" to be competitor "jaane man" the results were very clear, inspite of bad mouth publicity by the so called critics(which i now feel is a part of some strategy or conspiracy)has emerged as clear winner.Someone still has doubts has to refer the Box office figures.There is a clear Cynical approach to all this that "old is gold" and whatever eforts you try to make new will never succeed the old.
Anyways, leaving all the this back and go back to the movie i think the movie has set a bench mark for all those Ramu's,Datta's, David Dhawan's;what a remake is and what treatment it requires so the audiences are glued tight to the chair.
For me the movie is oing business no becuase of SRK or some Titilating dance of kareena or the controled performance of priyanka but due to a clear and tacit vision of the director an i should say its a clear win for Farhan Akhtar.Be its script,its songs,its back ground score,its locales.its editing,sfx everything looks like a super co-ordinated effort.Everyone is speaking about SRK but Farhan is the real "Don".He had clear vision that making people see the exact remake will be boring.

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SRK pays just tribute to Don