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who cares...
by arjun on Nov 18, 2006 10:47 PM   Permalink

I dont understand why the media is giving soooo much importance to angelina?

Ok..she is a 'hot' celebrity from americana... but isnt our media going overboard ??

Afterall she is a 'normal' person like u & me... she is not 'GOD'..

We Indians still are under the awe of 'white' skinned people. The moment we see them.. we start treating them like our gods...
Apparently, the effect of 200yrs of British rule is still to wear-off.
We need to understand that, people are treated the way they behave... so if we behave like 'slaves', we will treated that way. Recall how her bodyguards roughed up parents at a school. Had been that in US/Europe, Angelina would have immediately submitted a public apology. But who cares about 'bloody' Indians.

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Brangelina have a party