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Who is Aishwarya?????
by Aparichit on Dec 29, 2006 01:35 PM   Permalink

Rediff people have gone crazy.....

Please dont waste your time in giving such silly news....Ash visited darga, Salman bought new shoes for himself, Govinda bought a new Pyzama.....

Please feel the social responsibility and try to focus on bringing news on India and its Poverty and steps to eradicate Poverty in India...

I am sure Media does a lot of work for social causes...but please dont use yout time, resources, bandwidth and money in writing this silly and unwanted news about celebrities....

It would have been a great news if Aishwarya Visted a Slum area and spent a day with them understanding their problems and doing some good work for the people..............

What say people ............?????????

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