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pathetic movie
by Avinash on Dec 19, 2006 01:22 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

had it been released in doubt it made sense.
but due its 2007 coming..and plot is of bombay where i know women who r divorced twice..people who r staying in live in relationships..and ur talking bout widow remarriage?? that sucksssssss

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  RE:pathetic movie
by Kaveri Kumar on Nov 09, 2007 11:03 AM   Permalink
Whether this issue arises in the 60's or today, our indian community still takes back seat when it comes to moving forward in terms of the subject. This is a refreshing movie for those indians born & brought up in the western culture. Even in this day & age new brides are concerned about living with their in-laws, and in this movie to see a father-in-law wanting to re-marry his late son's wife, is really nuturing. It is what every bride & groom expect from from their in-laws, it is love of not being seperate from their own children, but an addition to the family as Amitbah shows in this movie. It was hard to comtemplate that there is still this sterotype against women re-marrying after divorce and more specifically widowhood. Have indians become so dumb to these issues that they believe that a movie is just about entertainment, what happened to the morals you recieve from these movies. What is pathetic, is that fact that most mover goers detach themselves from what can be learned for "SOME" movies. It would be nice to see a movie about a man being judged on his right to re-marry.
Why is it that women are condemned for this and not our male counterparts.
Anyways these are the views that us australian indians learn from such a movie. IT WAS FABULOUS.

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