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There are two view points...
by Pankaj Mohan on Aug 15, 2006 09:17 PM   Permalink

One school of thought will say Bipasha did the right by protesting during the parade itself. The other point of view would hold her guilty however, for not having wiated until the end of the celebrations. What was the fault of those 10K Indians, most of whom had gathered just due to their true love for home soil.

Bipasha could have waited for the parade to get over, and then stayed on to file a criminal charge. If you have got enough guts to complain, then you should have some patience and desire as well to take the fight up to its logical conclusion. We listen to too many protesters in India, anyway. If anything lacks, then it's the desire to have a decisive fight. Bipasha could have at least gone a step forward than merely leaving a celebrating Indian mass shocked and dismayed.

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Bipasha complains of harassment