Its shocking to hear this news since Bipasha is very proffessinal lady and she has her own self respect as she will neither joke or full around. Its a shamefull act on part of local organiser to stop her while speaking. Even though she does not complaint to Police the local authorities have to go to the root and find out the fact and the guilty should be punished. This incident is a very usual one in US & UK.
RE:Bipasha complains of harrassment
by puthenparambil. J.P on Aug 15, 2006 09:11 AM Permalink
I truly agree and support your criticisms against 'Ac harya' who has expressed his racist statements against a woman of his country. It is a shame that Acharya puts up his racist comments in a country where dark and white skinned people live together.
RE:Bipasha complains of harrassment
by Archer on Aug 15, 2006 08:44 PM Permalink
while one can certainly not condone acharyas message, bids will have to control herself/ himself a little - i dont think bipasha's harassment has much to do with iraq or afghanistan, unless she has gone and recently joined the taliban and baath party
RE:Bipasha complains of harrassment
by tundya on Aug 15, 2006 06:44 AM Permalink
Yazadi, You are right she is Professional thatz why the 2 guys wanted to charge her.If she would been an Indian Women than this would not happen to her but she is a Modern Indian Accepted Foreign Culture women so its fair judgement.
RE:Bipasha complains of harrassment
by ruchi on Aug 14, 2006 09:13 PM Permalink
I cant hold myself back but to reply you Mr whoever. Its the question of right or wrong to an human.whether its Bipasha or any other simply cannot do that thing to any girl .and who the hell on earth r u to comment on anyone's profession.we are not discussing that here.
RE:Bipasha complains of harrassment
by ajit on Aug 14, 2006 11:17 PM Permalink are over reacting...Everybody have their right to express their views here...And your response doesn't make sense at all..If you don't have any points to make then just stay away..rather than mud slinging..
RE:Bipasha complains of harrassment
by Shameless on Aug 15, 2006 12:49 PM Permalink
Use good world for Proud Indian. And U , Bipasha is not symbol of Indian Nari...Its very shamless to call such woman to represent India those can do anything for money and prestige............
RE:Bipasha complains of harrassment
by somenath paul on Aug 15, 2006 08:43 AM Permalink
This is the dirty Indian mentality. Criticize and harass the victim and try to justify the act of the perpetrator especially if it involves a women.