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by acharya on Aug 14, 2006 05:20 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Firstly,I do not subscribe to the views thar she was harresed because a sultry siren like her does not command any respect according to me but is prone to harass other people PLUS throw tantrums for no reasons.If she did go to the programme after trying to be unaccesable & behind walls then she should not be paid or penalised heavily for comming late & spoiling a respectable programme of the organisers 4 which so much time,money & energy expended ; in which special dignateries were invited & present there.

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by A on Aug 16, 2006 03:07 AM   Permalink
Acharya, I find your view-point simply disgusting. Are you saying that just because Bipasha is an actress anyone is free to harass her? So basically, whether a woman is allowed her dignity or not depends on her profession, is it?

For your benefit, let me repeat this very basic rule in human soceity - Harassing any one is NOT RIGHT. It does not matter who the victim is. Harassing is NOT RIGHT. Period

Really, are you thinking with your brain?

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by rapid on Aug 14, 2006 09:43 PM   Permalink
>> Instead of standing by your fellow national you are criticizing her. This shows that you are not only selfish but also a racist. India is in doldrums because we have people like you for whom white skin commands respect and credibility. See how your white brothers are ripped apart from Afghanistan to Iraq.

Dear fellow national, who told you that bipasha was abused by "white brothers"??
This event was organized by the local indian community and it is very unlikely that the ppl involved in this harrasment would be non-indians. Most of the organizers(even the ones who tried to stop her from speaking out publicly are indians - not whites).

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by shivaxin on Aug 15, 2006 02:45 PM   Permalink
acharya: r u the fool of the millennium?!!!If u r one big fool, then continue posting such foolish comments n get all the critisms of the world later!

ppl like u r the big cancer of our society!

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by reason_guy on Aug 16, 2006 08:16 AM   Permalink
I think the very tone of your writing speaks about how you treat women. Its a shame that people like you have come so far in life who do not even have basic culture. You are the guy who will oogle at every woman in sight and then ask your wife to stay indoors.

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by tc on Aug 15, 2006 03:57 PM   Permalink
Im inclined to believe this too, Im sure she wouldve tried to throw her "Im-so-talented" tantrums at people who would/should not be giving two hoots about her. I dont think its racist to think that way. Indians just dont know how some of their illustrious countrymen/women behave at the airport. Some of them should be barred from entry just on clothes and stink. Thats true too. There are others who stink and sweat but subcontinent people have elevated it to an art. Then they are others who are on phones and start rattling off in their native languages which at best sound like a collection of grunts and belches. There are moments and its to be experienced rather than written as most reading something like this would brand me anti national, it doesnt hide the fact any less though.

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by Happy on Aug 16, 2006 11:07 AM   Permalink
This is ridiculous, your message shows your attitude towards women. No wonder, women in our country are still treated badly. Her profession is a different topic altogether, but the fact is she is a woman and every woman demands respect. It's really surprising to read you remarks. Learn to sympathize and respect women.

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by rashmi on Aug 16, 2006 06:32 AM   Permalink
I think u are a MCP -a typical male who probably went to the India Day parade just to see if Bipasha is semi-clad or not, not for any respect to ur nation! U think that she doesnt deserve respect just coz she did a couple movies where she plays a sultry siren.Ithink people like u should be taught what it means to ne in a free country but that doesnt mean u can take advantage of any women whos available!

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by woman on Aug 15, 2006 07:41 AM   Permalink
Just because she is a sultry actress and a model, that gives you the right to talk bad about her. Were you present there, have you met Ms. Basu, on what basis do you make such an assumption. It is because of people like u and I am sure u are a 'man' that women do not come out and talk about physical abuse on them, because u will point a finger at her and say that she did not have a good character. Neither you nor I were there, so even if it is a democractic country, keep your lowly and useless thoughts to urself.

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by san on Aug 15, 2006 10:25 AM   Permalink
You are a pure idiot.

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  RE:You are a Racist
by Bids on Aug 14, 2006 06:51 PM   Permalink
Instead of standing by your fellow national you are criticizing her. This shows that you are not only selfish but also a racist. India is in doldrums because we have people like you for whom white skin commands respect and credibility. See how your white brothers are ripped apart from Afghanistan to Iraq.

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by Atul on Aug 15, 2006 01:23 PM   Permalink
Stop justifying the wrong! If she has been physically or mentally harassed, then, she has got every right to raise a voice against it.
Whether it's in America or India.

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by parthiban on Aug 14, 2006 07:56 PM   Permalink
what is wrong in critisizing Bipasha Basu? What she has done for India apart corrupting youngsters?
Patriotic doesnt mean supporting criminals and film stars who has done nothing for country other than showing her body, they should not be categorized as Indian women, it is an insult for Indians

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  RE: Acharya - shameless you!!
by qwerty on Aug 14, 2006 10:48 PM   Permalink
acharya.. you sound like a another shameless guy like those to did that act. she may be a sultry siren,... or whatever, on screen, but off screen she deserves full respect.

would you DARE to say or do the same to a Britney or a J Lo?

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by Pulsar on Aug 15, 2006 11:43 AM   Permalink
It is absolutely disgusting the way you have commented on Bipasha. I am no fan of hers nor have I seen any movie of hers but if their has been an incident she describes, then I do not understand how you can sit in judgement saying that no one wud harass a "sultry siren" like her. Do reserve your comments as it only exhibits how much you wud have loved harassing her and are jealous of the fact that you cud not do it yourself. Pity you

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  RE:you r a sick mind
by Divesh on Aug 14, 2006 10:52 PM   Permalink
It's people like you who has such a sick and disgusting thought process should be thrown out of the system. According to you only Politicians businessmen and so called thinkers of the society have respect not a person like Bipasha. Its not Bipasha but people like you are the real problem and world will be better place if it does not have to tolerate your kind of creatures.

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by pv on Aug 15, 2006 10:30 AM   Permalink
people like u should not have the right to give comments on such issues. bipasha is a frank, straight forward woman who has her own ways of life. leave alone her, just try to look at the issue in point of morality of the people who organised the event.think twice before u post such comments again.

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by neha on Aug 14, 2006 09:54 PM   Permalink
this is unbelievable.
bipasha just do what proffesion demands from her.
what she is on screen does not depict what she is in real life.
moreoverthis is not the issue if she is "sultry siren" or not. the question is after so many years of independence does anybody has to be treated the way she was, and the irony was that it happened on the day of independence itself.please rise above the looks and understand the more deeper issues which need to be emphasized here.

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by srinivas on Aug 21, 2006 07:03 PM   Permalink
You might be right in that she doesn't hold enough respect to lead an independence day parade, but, mind you, donot confuse it with physically/mentally abusing a person.
No individual deserves to be abused! Thats the basic point..

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Bipasha complains of harassment