If you can't accept a mohanlal be very blatent. This is like finding something very irrelevent. Did u ever feel that his body language did not suite for the cammando operation. FYI, havildar's who join military would very young, so it is natural that they may have very soft features outsidfe, but did u find anything wrong in jeeva's action sequences. Was he missing a spark somewhere of that look??
by praveen mohanan on Aug 24, 2006 01:59 PM Permalink
read ur view regarding mohanlal in ARAN. first of all..it is far far far better than wat ur so called superstars like Vijay'rambo'Kant, RajniKant show in their movies. see, first of all learn to appreciate good things. U can digest Ur superstars dancing with n kissing girls less than half their age... U saw dat movie "Narsimha" in which a transformer blows up when an electric shock is given to Vijaykant...May b its a reality as far as TamilNadu is concerned..wat do u say??? we keralites watch Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada,English & Hindi movies with the same mindset n know to appreciate the good things. Change Ur viewpoint n learn to relish things that r from outside of tamilnadu :-) don't just stick to ur aging superstars.
by sarath on Aug 08, 2006 01:46 AM Permalink
hey praveen,
Mohanlal is NOT a tamilian..so definitely his tamil will be accented. I am pretty sure you are one of those fanatic tamilians who don't appreciate anything other than tamil or anyone other than tamilians...pathietic!!