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Indian Idol
by mitali aneja on Apr 24, 2006 01:07 PM   Permalink

Karunya was a far better talented and deserving candidate. It was highly disheartening to see him lose the title of the Indian Idol in spite of all the efforts he put in. It was always a treat to watch him perform during the Indian Idol rounds. At the same time, it was great to see him smile and taking his defeat so lighly, although he too must have high hopes of winning. We are more sorry for his parents who know that Karunya has actually won but not got the awards. It was always nice to watch Karunya's father's smile during his son's performances which were almost always excellent. But it was very disheartening to see that smile disappear when Karunya's name was not announced as a winner. The game seems unfair and requires changes in the format so that talent gets its due. Ravi and Amey also got voted out unfairly. No grudges against Sandeep but Karunya is a better deserving candidate for the title.

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Idol talk with Anu Malik!