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Tara Tiny - an eco friendly car
by ashish mahajan on Mar 28, 2008 01:05 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Dear Mr. Ganguly,
Congratulation & Thanks for this innovative & energy saving ideas.

If Tara International launch the car which has a stand-by fuel system then only people can think more deeply to buy & use these electric cars.

Tara Tiny has a capacity to run max 120km/charging i.e. 8 hrs. if someone is going outside the town more than 120km then how he can run this car????

also we live in maharashtra where elctric load shading is a routine, how we could able to charge the battery daily 8 hrs.

or is there any stand-by battery which we can use if the original battery get discharged.

this problem can solve by Hybrid Car Technology.
like LPG, CNG, Petrol.

please do something regarding this issue.
we are eagurly waiting to drive your eco-friendly car.

Best Wishes for your project...
-ashish, nagpur

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  RE:Tara Tiny - an eco friendly car
by on May 08, 2008 03:02 PM   Permalink
Hi,ashish mahajan,

We suppose the lithium batteries can solve the longer transport distance. By the way, are you interested in the similar model of two-seat electric cars which are made in China and have been successfully launched into USA market? Please contact us for detail: or Skype: majiangwu

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