I am not sure what will be the safety concerns for these cars. Small cars more unsafe in general. They can overturn very easily. In my opinion, instead of developing small cars for lower price, India should do research to manufacture standard sedan within 100k-150k price range.
RE:Safety concerns for these cars
by prasanna venkatesh on Mar 21, 2008 12:17 AM Permalink
It will be a tent in the shape of a car. there will be no metal.. is that ok for you??
RE:Safety concerns for these cars
by loler Chicken on Mar 21, 2008 01:46 AM Permalink
abe ... in city why worry abt safety if u can move 5 kms in city traffic in one hour...
RE:Safety concerns for these cars
by Tamil Indian on Mar 21, 2008 11:59 PM Permalink
the overturning is not a function of small or big -it is a function of where you have the center of gravity - infact very big SUVs are more prone to overturns