North west of india is utilised for low cost labour and midwest and south for high intensity service sector.Unfortunately the real labout would be around central and north central east.And for labout to be competitive they should be utlised.Companies should invest in gorakhpur aur bihar to attract low cost labour.They should make 3 year degrees 4 years to make more students come into the net of employable students,unlike just engineering graduate now.This stupid govt is concentrating on caste and crap instead of building another golder corridor.We have unrest in south (Hyd).punjab and delhi now,cpi and naxals in the east.Time for UPA to go home and talk about aam aadmi and socialism
RE:The problem is distribution
by Anthony on May 23, 2007 02:46 AM Permalink
I totally agree sir. You see the coefficient of the linear is just a position by the haemoglobin of the atmospheric pressure in the country.