What booming India are the commentors talking about here? We dont have 24 electricity to provide, people are dying of hunger everywhere, sanitary conditions are worst than some south african countries, there is no respect for another human being. Government is just focused on building the infrastructure or whatever they think it might be, but not maintenining it. The much over-hyped Mumbai-Pune expressway caved in in just 5 years and people are now using tar mix to fill the pot-holes. Is this the way to become a superpower? Give me a break. No Indian in their right mind will even think about India becoming a superpower in next 100 years.
RE:What booming India?
by blue wrox on May 13, 2007 01:51 AM Permalink
"Give you a break",why are u talking like an american.I believe in india becoming a superpwer in the next twenty years.America is already down the drain.I am not the only one.There are atleast 500 million people who think like me,the 50% optimistic ones
RE:RE:What booming India?
by Truth BeTold on May 13, 2007 03:53 AM Permalink
All those 500 millions must be my fellow Indians like you. There is no harm in dreaming big and achieving it but dont brag about something which we havent even achieved. Law enforcement is the weakest link in India. Everyone and anyone who is someone will try and break the law to get their work done. There are new snazzy malls coming in Mumbai and other places in India but there is no electricity to provide. Have you ever visited the US to say that its down the drain? Forget US, talk bout any western country. Isnt it also strange that only South east asia is the poorest region in the world with not a single world class city in that place? I can argue all day long and still not convience you but time will tell.
RE:What booming India?
by mohammed safiuddin on May 14, 2007 09:02 AM Permalink
did u mean south asia? coz south east asia, far from being poor, is home to the famous tiger economies.heard of singapore, kuala lumpur, bangkok? world class cities right there.
RE:What booming India?
by Yogesh Patel on May 13, 2007 02:44 AM Permalink
Get out of your day dreams buddy...America is not down the drain.. India is progressing but it will be a long way before you even come close to USA. Just think in America, you can drink water at any place without thinking twice... while in India you are even worried about bottled waters. Kind of respect Americans have for Law and Order is not even thinkable in India. Sure we are getting better but to be like USA in every aspect of Human life it will be years. I love my India but we should strive to be as good as America and learn some good things from USA instead of dwelling what America is not doing good. I wish you come to USA and see for yourself what it means to live in a free country.
RE:What booming India?
by Dhrumil on May 13, 2007 03:36 AM Permalink
it took USA 300 years and 2 world wars(weakened other countries) to become a dominant superpower....at least lets give India 70-80 years after independence to become a super power...it well on its way and another 10-12 years we all will see
RE:What booming India?
by Truth BeTold on May 13, 2007 03:50 AM Permalink
We are so pathetically hypocrite. When it comes to history and culture we are a 5000 yr old nation but when it comes to development and prosperity we are just 50 yrs old. Take the US out of equation and think about Japan, Germany and S. Korea who have become what they are in last 50 years, any excuses? Corruptionis so deep rooted in India that getting work done without it is a miracle.
RE:What booming India?
by sumit batra on May 13, 2007 06:09 AM Permalink
no offense but it is true. After 30-40 years india will be called islamic republic of India. That will be a real progress