As per the study by PWC, India will surpass USA in terms of GDP (PPP) BY 2050 but because of its huge population (expected at about 1.6 billion), its per capita GDP will still be 1/4 th of USA. So, in short, there is absolutely no shortage of talent, skill and opportunity in India. The only problem I see is of population. Though, as per the study, India (at present) is benefitting from younger population, it will suffer from ageing population by 2060 same as Europe.
RE:India in 2050
by Murthy on May 12, 2007 10:48 PM Permalink
Either you are god or very very bad stupid.
Realistically speaking ....
India will break down into 30 countries LONG TIME BEFORE 2050 due to population explosion, and not all parts of India are being developed equally AND IDLE YOUTH OF 700 MILLION PLUS and growing by 22 million every year WILL NOT SIT IDLE BUT FIGHT.
Pakistan alone is going to have MORE POPULATION THAN USA, and if that state fails, u can imagine where they are going to come in millions into India also. Bangladeshis also will get drowned into sea due to global warming. and 147 million Bangladeshis will COME TO INDIA ALSO !
RE:India in 2050
by Andrew Watkins on May 12, 2007 10:51 PM Permalink
First of all you are a liar, you dont get Rs 25 lacs salary a month. I have contacts in ARAMCO and I know how much people like you get paid as compared to Americans and Europeans. So just shut up and come with your real name which may be PAKI.
RE:RE:India in 2050
by AAA on May 12, 2007 10:56 PM Permalink
Murthy is lying, I cannot believe a consultant can get 25 lacs per month and all the other benefits> I have a friend in brunei, he has much more better package than murthy, but still he doesnot earns 25 lacs per month.
RE:India in 2050
by Swati Sharma on May 13, 2007 05:38 AM Permalink
Murthy may be correct. We should ask him to tell us how many Zeros are there in 1 Lakh. Probably his monthly income is 2500 ( 25 lakhs :)))) )
It is not his fault. It's probably a manufacturing defect.
RE:India in 2050
by AAA on May 12, 2007 10:53 PM Permalink
Murthy, you speak a bit realistically!!! Don't make any assumptions!! And if thats the case, then US (states along the coastal regions) and middle east countries are the first to be drowned due to global warming. people like you have tried a lot to make the statement of dividing indian states, but whats the result? still all states are together and still India is aclled as India.
RE:India in 2050
by Murthy on May 12, 2007 10:57 PM Permalink
Sundarbans in bangladesh is already drowned.
USA Middle east countries HAVE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to build dykes like Holland and less population. Pakistan and bangladesh don't and have higher density populations = refugees to India when they are drowned.
RE:RE:India in 2050
by AAA on May 12, 2007 11:04 PM Permalink
I pty your knowledge murthy!!! even US is worried about this global warming, dykes cannot help them to avoid drowning. Watch discovery/NGC to update your knowledge!!
RE:India in 2050
by Andrew Watkins on May 12, 2007 11:02 PM Permalink
The way you are writing your messages, one can easily say that your are very educated so one can guess that you are doing some blue collar job. Now you will start abusing me with your well known mother/sister swearing.
RE:India in 2050
by Andrew Watkins on May 12, 2007 10:55 PM Permalink
Very true. I guess that this Murthy is one who is missing out all the success which India IT Engineers are getting. So he is little zealous trying to console himself that whatever petty job he is doing in Saudi is still better than begging, which he was doing in India. Come on India. You are the best.
RE:RE:India in 2050
by AAA on May 12, 2007 10:59 PM Permalink
Life in saudi is not easy. I had few friends there, they returned within 2 years. Cos one has to follow Saudi laws there and which are not favourable for indians. In ramazan month, you have to compulsory fast during day time. YOu cannot drink alcohol there. Indian women cannot roam free in saudi, and have to wear burkha all the time if they go out. Its hell out there.