The *boom* we are talking about is done by exploiting the environmental resources in highly unsustainable manner. We are already facing shortages of all kinds - be it petrol, minerals, wood etc. Add to it the negative effect such as global warming, pollution etc... you will realize we have reached the tipping point already. Give it maybe 20 more years... there will only environmental bomb, no boom anywhere.
So start saying your prayers no itself that you can enjoy basic clean water, air and have food on the table.
RE:Boom USA?
by sibby mathews on May 14, 2007 02:51 PM Permalink
Very rightly said, Mr. Venkat.
And let me add that our very high tolerance for corruption will only hasten very much the process of environmental degradation to the point of no return. With the way matters lie at present, even after such an apocalypse has fully hit us, common educated Indians will still say 'India is definitely going to be the next superpower'.