I like the way Indrani has replied to the innocent queries. But y is the quality of reporting not improving on Rediff? The very title is misleading. Experimental science is about team work and credits are not thrown away so casualy, specialy not to one who is not corresponding the report. Indrani efinately is on her way to make agreat career and hats off to her good work but its simply spoiled by wrong affiliation. you can easily followed that the news is generally different in rediff than the title. Even here the credits which were thrown to an Indian is abruptly diluted in the text. Its an eyecatcher approach which Rediff is uselessly adopting. This comment is just to criticise the rediff reporters and its editors to give them feedback which I hope they will respond with some improvements. The very simple way how it could be misleading is by the fact that I knew about this research but the title was so less informing and badly composed that it completly disconnected it to otherwise such a famous work known by many already and I had to click on it thinking its an all-India research project which was undercover.
RE:Good answers
by yogesh save on Jul 05, 2007 07:36 PM Permalink
It is a great work done by Scientist Indrani Sarkar and her colleagues.I completely agree with sushil on title issue. But It is nice to see an indian involves in such amazing discovery.