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What's the big deal?
by Surag Singh on Dec 12, 2007 10:38 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Indians making it big aboard is stale news.

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  RE:What's the big deal?
by Jalaluddin on Dec 12, 2007 10:40 AM   Permalink

This constant comparision of India with China is absolutely ridiculous.In China nobody believes India will ever become a superpower.India is too poor,underdeveloped,corrupt and overpopulated for that.All that hyped up glitz and glamour associated with India's so called IT revolution is a sham because India's IT works is nothing more than doing coding for foreign companies like microsoft for less than 10% of normal wages in the west.India has no large domestic consumption base and is mostly dependant on outsourcing from the west and neither is India setting any trend in innovation plus India's infrastructure SUCKS.All in all India is just another corrupt,poverty ridden underveloped 3rd world state,just being a few notches better than third rate countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh doesn't make India a superpower hopeful.I believe Indians are overstating India's importance.On the other hand China is definately a contender for future superpower as China is the talk of the world today.Not just Chinese but people in many other countries share similar opinion about China's rise to full superpower status within the first quarter of the 21st century.China's many problems being highlighted in the western media are nothing in comparision to the many problems in India.India being a democracy is of no significance.Unlike India,Chinese leadership have excercised the will and determination to overcome their problems and succeed.

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  RE:What's the big deal?
by Vamsi M on Dec 12, 2007 10:57 AM   Permalink
If india take it in a positively and in a constructive criticism, jalaluddin is right.Despite all odds india is certainly has great potential to be in the same league of china

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  RE:What's the big deal?
by Mandrake on Dec 12, 2007 11:16 AM   Permalink
I agree with Jaluluddin. If individual freedom means spitting anywhere and no sense of responsibility for your actions towards others and society in general, not following any rules...etc..I am all for the Iron Hand....Even with freedom in India no body is able to anything anyway...

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