the hindus in india produce what is derogatively called the hindu rate of growth but in usa they are now for topmost productivity. you have to ask why? the reason is very very simple. because they are happy to be hindu, and work in total freedom. there is a lesson for hindus in india: get rid of secular congressi govt form your midst.
RE:hindus in india vs hindus in usa
by inderjeet singh on Dec 13, 2007 06:19 PM Permalink
you are communal lot when you say hindu hindu in usa lot many people have succeeded in their fields and many are non-hindus so instead thta a hindu has come up well in life if you say an indian has risen would have been bettern and non-communal Fibre optics cable was the research and has improved communication you know he is a sikh and is world famous minus INDIA because here only communalism works ok
RE:hindus in india vs hindus in usa
by inderjeet singh on Dec 13, 2007 06:28 PM Permalink
Monday, January 19, 2004, Chandigarh, India Father of fibre optics may manufacture in India US-based Narinder Singh Kapany focusses on next-generation networks New Delhi, January 18 With more than 120 patents to his name and referred to as the father of fibre optics in the world telecom industry, Dr Narinder Singh Kapany, may consider setting up a development and manufacturing facility in India sometime in the future.
RE:RE:hindus in india vs hindus in usa
by antar jaal on Dec 14, 2007 01:30 AM Permalink
Kind of naive to make this is a religon issue. did Vikram Pandit personally tell you that he is successful because he is a hindu ? He is probably self driven and if there are 100s of 1000s desis that come to the US (cream of the crop too), some of them are bound to succeed. Not sure how much being a Hindu or Indian has to do with this....
RE:hindus in india vs hindus in usa
by Morchak Choohah on Dec 13, 2007 02:59 AM Permalink
Dont overemphasize hindu hindu hindu like a a parrot. This bhagora went to usa at age 16 and attained this sucess after LONG LONG 34 YEARS. I AM NOT IMPRESSED AT ALL.
ANY ABOVE AVERAGE TOM DICK AND HARRY WITH THREE DEGREES FROM AMERICA CAN DO IT, why unnecessarily are we making a GOD out of a human ????? and that too sitting in India which this man has not been living in for the last 34 years ? Arent we foolish to the core and laughing stock of the world ?