RE:Bhola the legend -BEWARE.
by Rahul Puri on Dec 12, 2007 12:52 PM Permalink
Bhola never had a girlfriend nor did he ever have any contact with any real people. He lives in his own weird fantasy world.
RE:Bhola the legend -BEWARE.
by Kabothi Kumar on Dec 12, 2007 01:28 PM Permalink
You're right Rahul. Bhola has a nice sea-view studio apartment in Karachi, that overlooks the harbour. Yes, with that long, white, straight jacket... you know the kind worn by our beloved neighbours...
RE:RE:Bhola the legend -BEWARE.
by Rahul Puri on Dec 12, 2007 02:22 PM Permalink
yep.... overlooking the same harbour the Indian Navy pulverized in '71. Left his ancestors "shell" shocked (pun definitely intended!)the effect has been transfered into his DNA. All they are left cabaple now is talking gibberish.
RE:RE:Bhola the legend -BEWARE.
by Bhola on Dec 12, 2007 12:49 PM Permalink
The girl I liked married some bloody MONEY LEECHEROUS NRI who left motherland for a few dollars more and this STEALING OF BEST GIRLS BY NRI GOONS SHOULD STOP.
RE:RE:RE:Bhola the legend -BEWARE.
by Rahul Puri on Dec 12, 2007 12:57 PM Permalink
stop lying bhola... you don't even know what a girl looks like. I mean how can you know?The last we heard you were locked up in some padded cell, clothed in nothing but a strait jacket in some mental asylym, somewhere in the country.