Both CPM and BJP agree on one point that Pandit is Sonia's man planted by Bush to rush thru 123 nuke agreement..There is greater cospiracy in Pandit's appointment to destbilise Indian economy
RE:It is a conspiracy again for 123 agreement
by ALOK DHOTEKAR on Dec 12, 2007 10:33 AM Permalink
It surely points that you a man from a particular state.... The state that doesnt graduate to realities of economics...
Do not belittle the nations talent by using such pessimistic line..
If you had understood what the nuclear agreement is about you would not have made such nonsense statement
I pity your mentality
May God save our nation from such petty minded people
RE:It is a conspiracy again for 123 agreement
by Paritosh Sinha on Dec 12, 2007 10:47 AM Permalink
I too pity you Dhotekar ! your intelligence DHO-gaya hai. You can't be blamed for what the God has not given you!!!