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Mr Ninian ,Do Politicians have an Alternative , here....
by Dharmendra Goel on Aug 06, 2006 10:31 AM   Permalink

PKL. August 6,2006.
I am sure Mr Ninian has great love for the doings of the Mythical Virtues of the Market Forces. Unfortunately many Indians are not that sanguine about the eulogy he so lavishly dishes for these.
Is there a solution to escalating Fuel and Gas costs ,across the board by using strictly Market Mechanism ,alone..
of course alternative energy like Ethanol, Zatopha have been suggested, but switch over also needs to be worked out in terms of available time-lags and requisite Capital allocations..
Can the politicians lose office for making their Electoratethrow them of public Offices if they do not soften the exorbitant prices of Fuel,Mr Ninian...D. Goel

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Keep off market,dear politicians