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The reservation does not reach the needy
by Mohit Kumar on Apr 22, 2006 10:27 PM   Permalink

The main idea behind reservation is that
those who are oppressed should get the
benefit.But whi filters it..Those who already have
all the facilities.That is why despite 60 years
of reservation things have not changed.

A son or daughter of government officer belonging
to SC/ST would avail the reservation despite the
fact that he got all the facilities needed to
compete in the job and education world.Can any one
do something to channelise this.and reservation
once implemented cannot be removed(No party would dare to do that).Lets face the truth and take the things in Totality and stop promoting this quota system for
political advantages.Its nothing but a political stunt.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Reservation: What should be done