There will NOT be any India to celebrate 100th anniversary. 1. Kashmir will be either seperated or become independent. 2. North East is already different, they do not consider themselves Indians. 3. Bangladesh will occupy parts of Eastern India. 4. Bihar and eastern UP will become like Afghanistan. 5. South India will be in-fighting and now new states like Telengana are being demanded later independent countries. 6.Gujjars and other castes will fight it out for seperate homeland. 7. Lastly, what ever is left will join OIC - Organization of Muslim Countries as there will not be any Hinduism left.
RE:No India..NO 100th anniversary!
by babu on Sep 14, 2007 09:15 AM Permalink
Ram Gopal verma you can see Future. Please give your address or Mobile no There are millions of foolish Indians like you who want to know their future also.
RE:No India..NO 100th anniversary!
by Ram Gopal verma key Choley on Sep 14, 2007 09:21 AM Permalink
Reality Bites my friend..just go out of India and see what people think of 1 billion Indians. Poor, smelly-high body odour and a country of snake charmers. To be optimistic is good but without basis. Indians cant find 1 intelligent person to lead them..they have to find a white skin lady from Italy.
RE:No India..NO 100th anniversary!
by Abhay T on Sep 14, 2007 04:14 PM Permalink
It is better you stay out of India. That way, you can ruin hollywood movies rather than Indian classic movies.
RE:No India..NO 100th anniversary!
by Pat Thakur on Sep 14, 2007 05:31 PM Permalink
Abhay, it has been Inert, Day - Dreaming, Short - Sighted Nerds like you who have Devatstated India till now & will keep Devastating it Further & Further. Better you go out of India to have a Stint Abroad. It will do you a World of Good & open your Mind to Newer Vistas; You Desperately Need It.
RE:RE:No India..NO 100th anniversary!
by RuThLeSs CaPiTaLiSt on Sep 14, 2007 08:34 PM Permalink
Another Porkistani in the guise of a Hindu name... moron! ,,|,,
RE:No India..NO 100th anniversary!
by yogesh purandare on Sep 27, 2007 02:46 AM Permalink
you are right! i think ram gopal verma is a prkistani or an indian living in US with terrible inferiority complex. I live in US and i can only hear praise for india and its tremendous achievement from americans.