the bigger question today is what are we celebrating. are we really independent. the only difference since 1947 have been that the britishers have been replaced by Politicians. their has not been any major change.
common man is still supressed. When Viceroy use to move public was stopped and turned around. when our prime minister moves same happens, and policeman on duty behaves in same manner as army of viceroy use to. he can abuse you, splash his danda on you.
no one can dare file a FIR against SHO of a thans, no matter how deeply he is involved in crimes and other activities.
you can easily be framed as criminals and you will die fighting the case in court.
i wonder what are we proud of after 60 years. we are all living in fear - and we call it independence.
RE:are we really independent
by Sameer Bhagwat on Aug 16, 2007 12:35 PM Permalink
Sudhir sir, hatoffs to comentry of you it is. You is tolded the bitar truenes it is. I is agris on you it is. I is no knows what every bodies hear is think doesing but I is saport comentry of you.