From Nehru family we got worst leaders. They are incapable of leading a country. see how our country had developed,when they are not active in politics.(1991-2003)
Now a person, who got a chance to lead congress when she was incapable of preparing a speech, is directing country's policy. This is most pathetic thing in the world. Again few people are promoting Nehru family for their own gain.
So kick out pseudo gandhis(nehru family) out of politics.(out of country would be a great success to India.)
who think otherwise are welcome to reply below this.
RE:The root cause of this state is gandhi(nehru) family!
by suraj on Aug 15, 2007 10:59 AM Permalink
Being wealthy Nehru turned socialist ,was ready to shed his wealth for the public, when he assumed office of the PM. He indeed set the right trend for politics, something wrong happened in the 47 to 07 track.
RE:The root cause of this state is gandhi(nehru) family!
by tospidy on Aug 15, 2007 11:04 AM Permalink
if he set the right trend, then why something wrong happened? he was incapable of leading a country but occupied the office for 17 years!
RE:The root cause of this state is gandhi(nehru) family!
by suraj on Aug 15, 2007 11:24 AM Permalink
Nature is having the ability to nutralize the pollutants, But still global warming is happening. Why , because we are human, Any gadget or an automobile comes out after correct settings, and fails soon, Why, becausse we are human. All of us Indians had been just not humans, but been worthy humans, it night have gone in the right track