India at 60 years still live a divided society, caste system, this is hampering our equality and directly influence the equal economic growth. Unless this is done away with it, India at 5000 years also will not be a developed nation.
RE:Caste system must go
by bahmophet on Aug 15, 2007 10:18 AM Permalink
all our elected leaders have benefited from this caste sustem, how will they give it up? particularly tamil nadu who is at the peak of this caste nurturing system and west bengal at the other end, there the reality is differenct, that is party.of reds. others in fact tamil nadu gas gor over 80 % resereved category. imagine a state with so many backwards?
RE:Caste system must go
by bikram b on Aug 15, 2007 10:29 AM Permalink
for that ministers like arjun singh and powerless PM like manmohan singh must go first, who keep reinforcing the caste system.