It is true that India is free for 60 years.But misguided policies by the leaders and planning commision--"WASTED 50 years" of freedom.Govt.took over and wasted money in bad investments.Rourkela Steel Project and others lost money.Banks,TV media,Communications,Power,Infrastructure were controlled under License Raj and corruption grew.India's growth rate for first 50 years was very low. Finally Indian politicians have wised up after seeing failure of Russian planning.Last 10 years ,India has turned the corner.Private Enterprise is booming and Indians are bright. India's future is bright going forward. 1)US-India Nuclear agreement will help India produce POWER at rates --half of today's rates(Lalooji claims--80% lower-I think 50% lower is possible). 2)Brain Drain is reversing-Americans of Indian Origin are heading up many American Enterprises in India now. 3)More and more Indian Enterpreneurs are taking Charge. 4) Media is doing great job with its freedom especially TV media. 5) I hope that politicians can keep "INDIA TOGETHER" as one nation. I was pessimistic in 60's,but now I am optimistic about India's future.INVEST IN INDIA. Dr.Satinder Mullick,PH.D. Johns Hopkins--