India of 1947 and 2007 has changed compeletly. Population alomst Doubled. from 40 to 100 crores. Curruption in hearts of majority of govt machinary. But this strong population is proving to be an asset for country with large number of skilled and semi skilled persons. World Balance is changing and Indian workforce is cherished in everyfield whether its IT , BPO , Manufacturing , Construction. Also the demand is upbeat in area of infrstucture development and logistics. Also Consumerism is coming in india slowly and steadly which could boost internal consurmer goods industry of India ( both Agro and non Agro Based). I think this is right time for Politicians and beurocrats to say bye bye to curruption and think in interests of India. If this would happen (not 100 % but 20-30%) then I have no doubt why India cant be Among top Nations of the World. Afterall one has to be optimistic , thats the only key to success.
RE:India is Shining
by Suresh Kumar on Aug 15, 2007 01:42 PM Permalink
Are you stupid or something? if it increased from 40 to 100 crores how did it "almost double?". It more than doubled, moron.