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The Five Indriyas and Materialism are no more than raw materials
by Kris iyer on May 16, 2008 01:23 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Every generation learns the limits of "sensuality" and "materialism" - some learn it the hard way, some the easy way. By nature, humans are acquisitive - want to acquire pleasure, want to feel they own good things of life. The problem is humans think, they would be "happy ever after", once the car, flat, a lovely spouse, great office to work in, great holidays in the hills - all fall into place. The truth is LIFE FORCE keeps moving off and away from what you have got. You begin to notice problems with the car, flat, spouse, office and the expensive holidays in the hills. That is the interface between humans and materialism. Excessive sensuality, you soon kill yourself or kill someone else while drunk. Oh boy!! Remember all the wierd cases in the Metros?
The solution: A genuine attachment to knowledge, spending time to become an expert in one's chosen field - NEVER MIND THE REWARD. Just be happy in yourself to be an expert. A true awareness that one's mental and emotional health are the most important.
Whatever your religion, a familiarity with the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita - if you are muslim, read these works in secret without your fellow-muslims or the Mullah knowing you are reading them. They are spiritual food for ALL ADULT HUMANS. They are there to benefit every human, no matter his or her religion.

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  RE:The Five Indriyas and Materialism are no more than raw materials
by Kris iyer on May 17, 2008 10:01 AM   Permalink
Thanks Vijay, or whoever you really are!!- for your suggestion. I have read the Quar'on, right in front of my friends and relations. They did not scold me or put a knife into me. Because they believe, as I do,
"Let noble thoughts come to us from all directions" - Rig Veda.

"Asathor Ma Sat Gamaya" "Thamasor Ma Jyothir Gamaya" "Mrithyor Ma Amritham Gamaya" - you may not know the meaning of this Vedic Verse. Never mind. You may not be ready for this type of wisdom. You will reject it because it is NOT from the Quar'on.

Luckily for me, my religion teaches me not to fall for "madhaacharyam" (getting mad over religious theology). To accept wisdom from ALL religions and even atheistic ideologies.

Only unwise people view their religion as THE TEAM they must always support, as THE LABEL they must defend - like it is some sort of IPL contest with other religions.

The Quar'on I read had a good commentary in English by a professor of AL AZAR University in Cairo. He did not criticise other religions, only explained the verses of the Quar'on. He admitted that some passages were controversial and, therefore, should not be interpreted literally. He was a truly wise and religious man. He had compassion in his heart as result of his knowledge of Islam. He was not like some "half-educated" Mullah with limited knowledge of Islam, who can only cry "Our religion in danger" every now and then. The Egyptian professor was a true scholar, I enjoyed reading him.

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  Re: RE:The Five Indriyas...
by Apocalypse Now on Sep 07, 2008 03:18 AM   Permalink
Good writing, Kris!!

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  RE:The Five Indriyas and Materialism are no more than raw materials
by naresh purohit on May 16, 2008 07:47 PM   Permalink
Dear Sir,
A real nice artcile by you.

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  RE:The Five Indriyas and Materialism are no more than raw materials
by vijay on May 16, 2008 11:36 PM   Permalink
u read Quran.

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