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No CAT for me this year!!
by Aditya Chakraborty on Dec 07, 2009 10:47 PM   Permalink

Hi This is Aditya. Say it my fate, or say it dysfunction of the online exam system of CAT, i couldn't give the exam this year. Firstly, what happened with me is what happened with many students in this country and that was CANCELLATION OF TEST & RESCHEDULING of my exam because of server-crash/virus-attack or whatever technical reasons. Now, what happened is, they gave a postponed date, which was okay for me until my test center got changed to a place where i couldn't reach in 1 day. And ya, i got that mail 1 day before the exam. There was a helpline number which was my only chance to change my test center to where I want, but here's another thunderbolt. That PARTICULAR NUMBER is always busy and even when its been picked up, the administrator who has attend me, is also BUSY. Now I was out of options, either try this no. all day or just pack my bag and go and reach late....but i cant reach late. So, i tried and hence, gave up trying, as anyone would, and in the end, couldn't give the exam. I reckon thats their CRASHED or VIRUS AFFECTED computer again who changed my venue which threw my CAT dream for this year, in trash. I also don't think applicants who gave the exam, should trust in the results, because their computer can still act funny!!

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