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enna kodumma sir idhu.
by dharmananand ravirajan on Jun 19, 2007 07:17 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

all the persons has to accept one thing for sure here...that any biotech persons took their courses only because of their passion towards this subject.not like the IT or, u cant doubt about the level of knowledge they possess.......the basic problem is these young , brainy biotchies are not even bothered bny the so called biotech MNCs or pharma companies.....they have to remember one thing that experienced peoples where all once been a give cahnce for freshers...

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  RE:enna kodumma sir idhu.
by Jisha Janardhanan on Jul 06, 2007 09:04 AM   Permalink
Dear friend, you seem to forget one thing... The cource here is only a foundation builder. You have beef fooled by the universities into a degree which does not even carry the value of the paper it is printed on in today's job market.

These companies wants you to spend a few more lakhs and a few more years, I mean 2 - 3 years and 2-6 lakhs, and do a phd or pay and do some research work, so that you gain the actual knowledge that is required by them.

There is no use pointing at the companies, thay look at only their profit. The people to be blamed are the universities who look for only their return on the investment in equiptments, and the stupid government, who are anything but FOR THE PEOPLE, for conducting such courses.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Biotech boom: Where're the jobs?