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What about BTech Biotechnology folks??
by Subir Kumar Dhar on May 18, 2007 12:19 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Hats off to Rashmi for coming up with relevant topics time and again.

Lets talk about whats happening to the BTech/BE Biotech students. Many of the Biotech BE/BTechs are joining the IT firms, as that is the easiest thing on the campuses. In the best case, they get to work in the Life Science Practice - still the large chunk of work will be Software development and Maintenance. So after years in Biotech, they end up learning Java/Mainframes etc. Worse still - in quite many cases, the grads end up in the Banking divisions!!


Subir Dhar

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  RE:What about BTech Biotechnology folks??
by prashansa kumar on May 18, 2007 01:14 PM   Permalink
that is so true..i am a final year student in biotech n i see no other choice but to leave the country to study/work abroad..after spending lacs on a b tech degree there s no way we can work for 8000-10000 a month here esp wen we have to repay edu loans..the biotech boom was a good marketing strategy employed by colleges to lure students into the academic program-niether are the companies interested in takin in graduates nor is the boom happenin nw- it will take 5-8 yrs more for the biotech sector to pick up in india the way IT has done and by then most folks wud have left the country..

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Biotech boom: Where're the jobs?