This article is such an eye-opener to all biotech students and professionals...It really does'nt matter what brach of lifescience u take it biotech, biochem or microbio ... the fate is the same for all. I'm a postgraduate in Biochemistry and still unemployed...
RE:Whatz in the name
by vandana balain on May 25, 2007 06:46 PM Permalink
I do agree to you.I have done my MSc Biotech bt there is no job in hand.The boon is there only in pages but in reality one gets nothing.
RE:RE:Whatz in the name
by srinivasa srinivasa on May 26, 2007 11:31 PM Permalink
Hi ppl pls dont lose hope....never!..... ever!....nowadays IT ppl r hiring even BSC graduates....try out is a bane to b born in this country where even talent goes unrecognized,sorry to b sarcastic but it is may b hard to find job but not impossible.....never give up....