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Engineering in Biotechnology
by Parimal on May 18, 2007 01:26 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Rashmi its really great to see you comin up with this article.

This june I will be graduating with degree of 'Engineering in Biotechnology' form a college in Maharashtra. Not even a single Biotech company has come to our college for placements. The biotech companies are not at all interested in recruiting Biotech graduates as they have a lot of M.Sc and PhD people approachong them for jobs, they are more skilled then us and are ready to work for Rs.8000 per month.
Term 'Biotech boom' is used with respect to increasse in the Biotech companies in recent years in our country. But this Biotech companies do not hire B.Sc or B.E. Biotech students they are looking for B.Sc Microbiology, Biochemistry, Chemistry. and if you manage to get into a biotech company the maximum pay you could expect is Rs.12000 per month.
So now the only choice left with biotech graduates is to pick up a job off your stream like in a BPO or call cantre (who pays you much higher than any biotech firm would) or go for higher studies, prepare for GATE, GRE or do an MBA. My advice to all the young folks who wanna join biotech please take up this branch only if your really really interested in this subject and want a research oriented job.

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  RE:Engineering in Biotechnology
by Sudheer on May 19, 2007 11:22 AM   Permalink
I am quite agree with u. also i would like to tell u that me also would be getting "RNGINNERING IN BIOTECHNOLOGY" this june. I am planning to go for MBA then. What to do.

In our college recently one biotech company came for placements. Took interviews of 15 students selected from 250. Then till now already 2 weeks have passed and no result has been announced and this looks like that they are not wanting us.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Biotech boom: Where're the jobs?