I think the meaning of Biotech is wrongly understood in Indian student community. There is no discipline which should be called Biotech at least at B.Sc or M.Sc level. What we usually taught here biotech, is actually a set of techniques that can be expertised by students of any discipline depending on need to attain certain research objectives. Without a background of basic science how can one think of Biotech? It is like if you dont have a foundation/wall no quention of making it decorated. Dear students before opting for it try to understand what is it! What sort of expertise you will have, if you do it? Huch much unique capability does it confer on you that corporate will try to get you?
RE:RE:Biotech! What is it?
by avinash kadam on May 17, 2007 09:25 PM Permalink
Yes! Thats right Bisakha. I think all applied sciences should not be taught at basic degree level Biotech is the exploration of basic sciences from the point of view of its application.I have seen most of the people working in the field are either chemistry pst graduates or engineering graduates applying their fundamental knowledge for the exploration of application from biological science. Students and their parents must understand it.I too opted for the same at undergraduate level and after realising it shifted to other stream and now working in so called "Biotechnology".
RE:Biotech! What is it?
by Bisakha on May 17, 2007 06:44 PM Permalink
I totally agree with you. Mostly the private colleges & small universities are making money by cheating the students. They make money out of the students frustration of not getting into good carrier options which are very limited in proportion to Indian population. Most of such departments run the show by one-two persons,they dont even have fund to recruit regular teachers, forget about a Biotech lab.or experiment which involve crores of Rupees.And interestingly such colleges and owned or partially owned by Ex-academicians of govt. aided institutions. Please dont expect anything from our priviledged politicians, they might not have experience beyond primary school.