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Biotech boom -- but where are the jobs?
by ANAND TEERTHA on May 20, 2007 03:58 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I have been working as a consultant for IT/BT/NT/SEZ for the past 40 months registering best companies in the world in IT & ITeS in Hyderabad.I have not come across a single entrepreneur in the BT.The ongoing hype and hoopla in Biotech Boom is very misleading.Certain crooks in the government and their agents plant stories in the ever obliging newspapers and biased TV Channels after identifying and owning in benami names huge chunks of virgin lands nearby cities conveniently driving out the villagers and just like sprinkling pepper and salt on omlette they float this and that "Technology Parks" named after dead politicians and mint money by selling those acquired lands at huge price per acre to MNCs and indian companies.The wicked intention is to make fast buck and easy money within six months.In this connection land mafia's reach is very high. There is no quality only quantity matters just to feed politicans questions raised and answers in the assemblies and parliament.Unfortunately, few MNCs create one or two men and women as "techies" and wealth creators and make india weak in health sciences, manufacturing,certain engineering segments.To suffice my point further just look at the soaring expenditure on our family medical bills.It is said that Americans are afraid of medical bills.In our country life is the cheapest commodity.Look at the way MNC appointed one NRI indain Ms.Indra Nooyi as a CEO for their carbonated water as if entire india is dependent on foreign products.This type of "millionaire indian" mentality poisions young brains and end up working in sweat-shops(sex shops) call centers.If india wants to surge ahead we must be strong in fundamentals and principles and formulaes certainly not boasting ourselves as "back office of the whole world" doing clerical/ data entry works thereby compromising on our skills,talent and innovations at the age of below 28 years.My advice to younger ones is not to fall a prey to "boom" syndrome jobs which does not grow on trees.Take suggestions from experienced people and surge ahead with a positive mind with internet as a tool.Secondly indian education system is not sound.Thirdly indian constitution does not reflect indian cultural ethos,traditions and customs etc.,etc.Fourthly there is "no energy left in our system(s)" to lay strong foundation for self reliance and take pride in self esteem.

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  RE:Biotech boom -- but where are the jobs?
by on Jul 04, 2007 02:03 PM   Permalink
sir me finished msc biotech..was having lots of intereset in m scared of doing my phd..i wsh 2 get good salary aftr phd..don kw whether 2 go abroad n do phd or do phd in india only...m good at managing so sometimes feels to opt for in totally diellemma..i just interest on subject also..

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Biotech boom: Where're the jobs?