Dear Friend Since starting to fly is so costly and time consuming I have found out a method of helping you to access whether you have the ability to become a pilot as well as reduce your time and money factor. I am launching a flight training school in Chennai due to commence in the end of April 2007. The entire course is for 2 months consisting for 20 hours gound subjects and 20 hours of simulator flying. We will provide quality training and courses conducted by experienced pilots / instructors with over 15000 hours of flying experience. Do feel free to email me at or for more details. Our web site will soon be up with course details etc %u2026 %u2018Flying Start%u2019 %u2026 gives you %u2018 The Head Start To A Flying Career%u2019 Warm regards W Vijay Kumar
RE:Flying Start
by ruchi jitendra rawell on Feb 04, 2007 12:07 PM Permalink
hi I am ruchi .I am interested in becoming a pilot.I wanted to know if there is any particular height needed to become a pilot.How should I apply for this course?and I also wanted to know about the course details.Please e-mail me at thanking you.