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by sahana on Jul 28, 2006 02:12 PM   Permalink

I have opted UK and in particular Manchester for the quality of research in Bio sector. After having a hard thought, I took a bold step to resign my wonderful job as engineer at Dr Reddy's for a PhD in the field of my choice and dreams. Imoportantly, world-class universities like Cambridge and Manchester have given me options of a direct PhD without having had to take up a Master's. Talent and ability to research is encouraged in this part of the world. While US of A could be a dream destination for many, UK remains the strongest choice for students who have a clear vision about their research. I am welcomed with open arms, supported well and given ample freedom for my age to work on a noel project which I have been itching to work on since my days in Dr Reddys.
I have not come across any racist mind-set in my 2 and half years stay here. This may be because India is popular in Manchester and it is a vibrant multi-cultural city. If you a pure veggie, you might end up having a problem or two. But, Indian food is as much available as in your home-town, only less affordable. So, learn to cook and when you need a change, you can go to a restaurant.
Research here is world-class.

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Planning to study in the UK?