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International Student Life in U.K
by vijay sivaprem on Jul 28, 2006 02:01 PM   Permalink

Dear Friends

I graduated from London Metropolitan University with a Masters Degree in Polymer Science in Sept 2003.

Britain is a beautiful country with a great cosmopolitan population and a rich history; I can consider my self lucky to spend 4 years in London, where I learnt so many things in life both important and as well as silly.

Coming to the issue of education, job and living in U.K as an international student thing are bit different.

Graduating from a good university is expensive the fees ranges from £9000- £ 13000 (Depending on the university) on the top of the fees there is always accommodation and miscellaneous expenses thats going to cost another £2500 per year at leastBe aware and be prepared.

When a Non-EU student graduates and looks for a job there is always a catch 22 situation in the form of a work permit or suitable visa (Like HSMP). If you need job you a need a visa if you need a visa you need a job, the point is which comes first? and who is ready to offer both.

In general if money is not a problem then its worth giving a shot.

Vijay Sivaprem

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Planning to study in the UK?