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5-star careers, 1-star salaries
by sanjay on Jul 26, 2006 12:38 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Ms Rashmi has written a very good article. I am a hotelier working with a repute hotel as HOD and Would like to add certain points.
1. All that glitters is not gold- Yes it is a old proverb. Ms Rashmi has mentioned that an MBA person gets a salary of 12K-15K as an stipend i Beg to differ from that. There are lot of MBA guys who are not even getting 4/5 k salary after passing out of college.
2. The students who have done 3 years degree/diploma from National Council/college of good repute has started their career with 10-12k intially and got up the ladder in 3-4 years with 25-30 k. The industry as reflected is not that bad. It all matter from where have you done your professional course and to the great extent the profile of the candidate.

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  RE:5-star careers, 1-star salaries
by Gauri on Jul 27, 2006 06:12 PM   Permalink
I would definatly like to know the names of these hotels who pay 12-15K for students who have graduated from reputed colleges!

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5-star careers, 1-star salaries