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Products of license raj
by Prof R K Gupta-India on Sep 13, 2007 01:38 PM   Permalink

IITs and IIms are nothing but product of old and silly Nehruvian model of economic growth and license raj.Financed by Government and interneational aid ,they ahve been wasting lot of resources with almost nil contribution to body of real and usable knowledge.They are nurseries for MNcs and foreign compnaies where they head after education.In fact we can say these are export units.Most of the guiys working there are howllow and arrogant and this applies to most of research institutes in india set up after indepemndence.these guys have learn how to avouid practical consultancy and drag prospective client til he is dead.It is sickening.industry must stop hyping them and look for good talent everywhere at moderate salries.This is based on my long exprience in senior executive positions and academic experience as Engineering and Management Professor too.Not listening will prove for our system costly.

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Is the 'IIM' brand invincible?