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by Suman Gumma on Feb 26, 2006 12:33 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Hello Madame
How exactly should a BPO resume look like.
How is it different from other resumes.
Wat exactly do the recruiters look for in a 22yr old B.E tech.background student.

G.Suman B.E CSE

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by Ayush prasad on Jan 31, 2007 03:10 PM   Permalink
Are u out of your mind?? You have got a B.E and you want to work in a BPO??..Get into some field that is respectable as per your education.BPO is for those who is left out with no choice in life.someone 12th pass or just appearing simple Graduation..Please Shape your Career wisely

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by luvssss on Jan 31, 2007 05:49 PM   Permalink
Learn to respect work. You are nobody to say that a BPO job is not respectable. Its much better than people working in gas stations in US.

I hope U heard something like 'dignity of labor'.

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by luvssss on Jan 31, 2007 05:48 PM   Permalink
Learn to respect work. You are nobody to say that a BPO job is not respectable. Its much better than people working in gas stations in US.

I hope U heard something like 'dignity of labor' .

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
What makes youngsters quit BPOs?