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BPO facing problems
by Nik on Dec 19, 2004 07:47 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

A point by point analysis of this..article
1.BPO not seen as a long term career:
Obviously not..who would want to spend their lives like some nocturnal beast of burden?we are human beings, not automata.We require at least the basics of human comfort , and will not change our sleeping habits based on global job shifts.
2.High Aspirations:
Yes, of course, in addition to sacrificing our life and health, how dare we want "wealth"?
Wealth creation is reserved for the people who own the company and use us.
3.Good talent is prone to poaching:
Good talent?What are the qualities that make up this elite? Are they going to change the face of India?
POint 2: Having started the company based on the principle of capitalism and free trade, where other companies try to get a better deal, the owners then complain when their employees try to get a better deal.this is a sick joke.
4.. Employees face pressure at home and at work.
Hmm. i wonder why.

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  RE:BPO facing problems
by kenbasar basar on Feb 01, 2007 10:36 AM   Permalink
It seeems that you are jealous with the amount of money that they are getting in BPO.Cool down and visit Dell or HP support center.



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What makes youngsters quit BPOs?