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by nilesh ganeshan on Dec 22, 2004 02:21 AM   Permalink

Apropos ... the article

1) BPO not viewed as a long term career
reasons: growth in the sector is limited. it may well happen that inspite of working ur fingers to the bone for 10 yrs , ur remuneration hasnt seen much appreciation

2) high aspirations
i dont think so. Lookin to make a fast buck.... yeah.
a recent reconnaisance by a leading surveying agency indicates that a sizeable portion of bpo employees (arnd 40%) comprise of undergraduate students looking to make a fast killing by using their spare time..this is coz practicals and exams can always wait but owning that ritzy pair of heel shoes or that new dvd playa thats making waves cant!!!

3)talent poaching
mmm..really hard to say..since the "TALENT SET" required to work for a bpo essentially remains the same across different bpo's and since the salary structure too follows the same patterns..wonder y one wud want to quit for supposedly "greener pastures"

4)stress and pressure that go hand in hand with the job yess and a very pivotal factor this
and probably the most predominant reason for quitting bpo's.burning the midnight oil, , trying to perfect the juggling act btwn home and family... aint no childs play

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What makes youngsters quit BPOs?