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by ANGOLMOIS on Jun 01, 2008 11:22 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

i like dhoni but dont like chennai.Chennai is in the finals because of the luck that follows dhoni.Chennai needs to be stopped.

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by mohammad noor on Jun 01, 2008 11:56 AM   Permalink are right dude.

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by mohammad noor on Jun 01, 2008 11:55 AM   Permalink
You are right dear.Dhoni is very lucky person.Where ever he goes luch follows him.what ever he touches,it turns into was nothing but bad luch of kingsX1.hopefully they do better next time.My sympathy is with kings X1 team

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by sunder on Jun 01, 2008 11:25 AM   Permalink
y dude

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by ANGOLMOIS on Jun 01, 2008 11:36 AM   Permalink
Chennai people are just fantasy people.They steal gods property and give it for fantasy and exhibition.Look at the rulers.Its all from the film world.A R rahman steals music and make it a hot item in the fantasy world with more added flavours.Its the god of lust ruling chennai.Abuse of all sorts happen there and the root of money abuse lies in that place...A father and slave daughter runs the current life there ...both dont know what god is and at their peak materialistic saying things lightly...but what am saying is true.

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by charles parthiban on Jun 01, 2008 11:55 AM   Permalink
Angolmois you are Jealous about Chennai. You mentioning A.R. Rehman did all the music directors making music for God? All the music director in the India, not only india all over the world making money from music, I wonder you mentioning only Rehman. You are very very jealous about this great musician and i understand you are sad mood that nobody like rehman born in your state. And other one Did abusing takes place only in chennai? In all over india prostitution is going in public only in Mumbai and Kolkata. Last month in delhi a minor girl raped by an police man. Capital delhi is most famous for rapes that too minor girls rapes. In mumbai and kolkata minor girls are used for prostitution. If you have guts go there and destroy that prostitution places. Then i will bow my head to you.

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by sunder on Jun 01, 2008 11:40 AM   Permalink
Our Anu malik is always original music ,Our bappi lahiri is having all music which is call his inspiration.y r u bothered about a.R when he is able to convert his talent into money. v r talking about Dhoni and team representating Chennai , and not politics

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by Ravan Raj on Jun 01, 2008 11:31 AM   Permalink
Now u dont like chennai.suppose If you are getting an opportunity to make money in any of the IT or Electronic firm , without anyshame suddenly rush to there.

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by Suraj Singh on Jun 01, 2008 11:37 AM   Permalink
Dhoni has luck with him.

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by ANGOLMOIS on Jun 01, 2008 11:38 AM   Permalink
oh u decided my action already..huh....thats ur thought and not mine.u will be doing all such things and favour the evil..and not me...and those who know me for real knows that am saying truth.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Chennai outclass Punjab to enter final