money offered to the players is for 3 is not for one that means if dhoni is earning some 6 crores then for this IPL he has got 2 crores...dont scew the numbers for your convinience.
RE:inccorect values
by venkat a on May 05, 2008 04:22 PM Permalink
in this IPL the amonut is calculated = no of matches played divided by total no of matches, Multiplied by amount offered to the player
RE:inccorect values
by Aditya on May 05, 2008 07:21 PM Permalink
The contract they have signed is for 3 years with that team. but the money is being paid per year on a pro rata basis...
RE:inccorect values
by Satya Alluru on May 05, 2008 07:49 PM Permalink
But if a player is available for 5 games, but is in the playing XI for only 4 games, he will be paid 10% of his match fee. So, did you take that into account also?